R.I.P. Le Chat Jaune

I've not been able to look at pictures of him until now.
I'd like to introduce you all to our cat which died on October 27, 2008. He was some 19 years old. He was worn down and overtired. It was a huge blow to have to put him to sleep.
We acquired him for my mum-in-law at Christmas back in 1990. She couldn't keep him so we took him in when my missus and I moved in together the following May. He'd been with us ever since, an integral part of our daily lives ever since the day we were married.
He was a truly excellent cat, for all that means. A real sweetheart, forthcoming with strangers, gentle and so comforting. A companion and presence for me during the day, and nothing short of a child to my wife. I have no qualms in saying he was really the child we never had.
So today, I give you my old friend le Chat Jaune.
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